Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Review: The Conjuring (2013)

Quite good and creepy. I like Patrick Wilson a lot ever since Watchmen (even Hard Candy although he plays a disturbing scumbag in that, but he's a great actor). There is one dumb bit of cgi showing some black figures attached to the family members and some cg puke (ok, ok, a breaking chair too), but they only stand out since there is so little computer FX in this. It's definitely nice to have the emphasis on good old fashioned scares and atmosphere instead. The Warrens make for some great main characters, and the way they acknowledge all the skepticism helps your suspension of disbelief. The poster with the doll on it is pretty misleading, but I like marketing that doesn't ruin the movie. Wan does an excellent job directing this, and it feels different enough from Insidious so you don't feel like you're watching the same film regardless of the cast and crew similarities. Of course, it doesn't beat The Exorcist, but compared to most of the crap these days, it's outstanding.


  1. I dug this one a lot, it was like Wan wanted to remake Amityville Horror properly, but couldn't for legal reasons.

    1. Yeah, it's a lot better than the Amityville Horror remake. I liked it quite a bit too.

  2. I'm sitting on a copy of this one for viewing Halloween night. I like to watch at least one "ringer" each Halloween, something I've not seen before that I'm almost certain I'll enjoy.

    1. Good plan. I also like to have one movie I know I'll enjoy (or at least, I think/hope I'll like it) and save it for last.

  3. Good review. Not terrifying in the way I expected it to be, but still a bit scary in the ways it has you on the edge of your seat practically the whole time.

    1. Thanks. It was a little different than I expected too especially with its final scenes, but I did enjoy it.
